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Nodus Strops Trigger Snap Shackle

SKU# 20152
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Nodus Strops Trigger Snap Shackle may require an additional to 2 days to ship.


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The Nodus Strop Trigger Release Snap Shackle, perfect for downwind sail sheets. Effortlessly quick-release design, no pinch required. Lightweight and robust, with an impressive 800kg maximum strength.

  • 800kg breaking load
  • Trigger snap shackle for rapid connections between two elements: halyards, sheets for spinnakers, gennakers, code 0’s, light wind sails, etc. 
  • Attachment on the sail: The pelican hook can be placed directly in the clew or halyard tack by means of a loop 
  • To close the shackle: remove the pin, push the locking ring load release, pull on the locking ring 
  • Reliable, maintenance-free